Saturday, June 5, 2021

Basic Computer Skills: A Guide For Complete Beginners

 IT & Software

Basic Computer Skills: A Guide For Complete Beginners

Senior couple video conferenceThe computer revolution of the last two decades has transformed lives the world over. It has increased productivity in industries as diverse as deep sea drilling and fashion design, drastically improved communication globally and made the world’s information available at your fingertips. With increasing digitization, knowing how to operate computers has almost become a basic survival skill.

Learn how to use Windows 8 with this online course!

Learning basic computer skills can be difficult. Fortunately, with the right guidance, anyone can learn how to work with computers:

1. Working with Computer Hardware

Chief Focus: Using the mouse/touchpad and keyboard.

Making the transition to computers can feel intimidating at first. The mouse can feel patently unintuitive and the touchpad (which does the same job as the mouse) can be incredibly difficult to work with. If you’ve worked with typewriters, the computer keyboard won’t present that big a challenge, though the tactile feel of a keyboard is dramatically different from a typewriter’s.

The first step, therefore, is to familiarize yourself with basic computer hardware. Feel free to pick up the mouse and move it around. It’s okay if you can’t make sense of what’s happening on-screen – you will learn more about that later. For now, focus on being physically comfortable with the mouse, and if you are using a laptop, the touchpad.

The same applies for the keyboard. Try typing your name on the keyboard, one key at a time. You might make mistakes, but remember that unlike typewriters, undoing things on computers is as easy as pressing the ‘backspace’ key!

To use computers, you should be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Moving the cursor on-screen with the mouse or touchpad.
  • Clicking, right-clicking and double-clicking the mouse.
  • Using basic keyboard functions such as backspace, enter/return, space bar, delete, tab, shift and caps lock.
  • Basic typing skills.

2. Learning How to Use an Operating System

Chief Focus: Windows or Mac OS X

Think of an operating system (OS) as the interface which lets you communicate with the computer.  The majority of you will start your computer experience with Windows, the operating system built by Microsoft. Some will start with Mac OS X, which is the operating system used on Apple computers.

For the purpose of this article, we will assume that you are using Microsoft Windows. You will be pleased to know that both these operating systems are quite similar. If you can work with Windows, it won’t take you long to work with OS X, and vice-versa.

To use an operating system effectively, you should be able to perform the following:

  • Finding, running and closing a program.
  • How files, folders and directories work.
  • Saving a file.
  • Using Windows Explorer to find and open a file.
  • Shutting down and restarting a computer. 
  • If you prefer to use Mac OS X instead, you will find this beginner’s tutorial on OS X to be of great use.
  • 3. Using Word Processors

    Chief Focus: Microsoft Word, WordPad

    Now that you know how to use an operating system, you will undoubtedly be excited to get some actual work done. One of the first things you should familiarize yourself with is the humble word processor. A word processor is basically a software application that can create textual documents. Think of it an incredibly powerful typewriter.

    Windows ships with WordPad and NotePad – two simple, yet effective text editors. Their Mac OS X equivalents are TextEdit and Notes.

    If you want to do something more than write a basic text document, you will need a more powerful program like Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word is a part of the Microsoft Office suite of software tools. It is a highly capable word processor that can create everything from a simple letter to a complicated graphical flyer.

    Knowing your way around a word processor is crucial to getting the most out of your computer. You should be familiar with the following before you proceed further:

    • Opening Microsoft Word.
    • Creating a new document in Word.
    • Using basic formatting functions (bold, italics, underline, font size and type).
    • Saving and printing a finished document.
  • 4. Getting Online

    Chief Focus: Web browsers and websites.

    A computer without internet is like a Corvette without gas; it might look great sitting on the curb, but without gas, you aren’t really going to go anywhere.

    The internet is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. You can use it to stay in touch with friends and relatives, follow the news, reference encyclopedias, shop for things, and search for virtually anything. Getting familiar with the internet is the first step in unleashing the full power of the computer.

    To use the internet, you will need a web browser. A web browser is a software application that can open websites and communicate with the internet. Both Windows and Mac OS X ship with built-in web browsers – Internet Explorer and Safari respectively. There are other browsers as well, but for now, these should suffice.

    Using the internet requires that you have basic competency with the following tasks:

    • Finding and opening a web browser.
    • Opening a website.
    • Understanding links.
    • Creating and using an email account.
    • Searching on Google.
    • Using Wikipedia as a reference tool.
    • Opening a video.

    You can also learn how to create your own blog with this free course on using

    Learning how to use computers is not easy, but it is a vital skill in the 21st century. It will take you hours of effort to become comfortable with operating systems and web browsers and word processors, but the rewards – better, faster communication, increased productivity, and access to the wealth of the world’s information – are well worth it!

How Multi Level Marketing (MLM)


How Multi Level Marketing (MLM) schemes with Pyramid Structure works ?


Today we are going to talk about MLM or Multi Level Marketing Schemes which have a pyramid kind of model. For years and decades, these kind of schemes are active and a lot of people get trapped in these Pyramid Schemes and lose their hard earned money. In this article, we will see the common mechanism they work on and their characteristics. We will also create a dummy Pyramid scheme to show you the traps & pitfalls. Before we move ahead, get this fact that we are talking about those pyramid schemes which also have different levels of people one on top of other and where one guy pays money which gets passed on as reward to another.

Multi Level Marketing Plans

How Multi Level Marketing schemes work?

Multilevel marketing schemes are generally network based marketing schemes, in which a person has to add more people under him. The people obviously pay some money to “join” the business and then they add more people under them. In almost all the schemes, the person is incentivized for adding more people under them.

You all must have heard about the AMWAY business model, which is nothing, but a great example of Multi Level Marketing, while the business is legitimate and there is no fraud in it, still it also falls under a pyramid model. Even I have attended its meetings once when I was novice child :). The business model looked so easy, just pay Rs 5,000 to join the business and then keep adding more people to “business” and you get some percentage from the entire sales under your Tree. There are various ranks like Silver, Gold , Diamond etc., and the higher your rank, the more you make. Lot of people make money in it through legal way, and more you work harder , the money you can earn, but the point is , people who get in early make more money and the people at bottom struggle a lot.

Why most people lose money in Fraud Pyramid Schemes?

Guess what?!  A lot of people make money in these Multi Level Marketing business models, and they become the ambassadors of the business. They flaunt the cheques and the money they make and believe me, some of them are real!. They really do make money and we will quickly see more on that, but the point is, that the majority of the people lose lot of money and struggle in these kind of get rich quick pyramid schemes. And that happens, because there is a limit to adding people. You can’t add more people in the tree after a certain point and when the tree becomes bigger, than it’s trouble point, it’s reaches a  kind of saturation level when the biggest chunk of people who are at bottom lose all the money. Here is an example graph which will give you a good idea of what I am talking about.

How MLM or Pyramid Scheme Works

Example of SpeakAsia

You must have heard about the latest craze called Speak Asia Online! I will really not be surprised if you tell me that you were part of it! I will not be even surprised if you tell me you made lot of money too! That might happen if you started earlier! Because then, the scam was still in the making! If you joined at the end, you were at the bottom of the tree you lost your money. This is how it worked!

A person can join SpeakAsia by paying Rs 11,000 and becomes a “panelist.” He then starts getting 2 surveys per week and getting Rs 500 for filling up each of them. That’s around Rs 4,000 per month and 48,000 per year and that was how Speakasia was promoted by its member to lure other members. This was at the start and though the amount of money  coming IN was less than the amount of money which went OUT, and the whole model was unsustainable in long run, it was definitely sustainable in short term. Just think about it! Is it not easy to pay 10 smaller bakras if 100 bigger bakras join the next batch?

And after all that, it crashed! But still there are innocent people out there who claim that it was genuine and it worked for them. They are not wrong! It really worked for them and they made money, but that was part of the game. They wanted you to make lots of money so that you can bring more people in and then one fine day when they make a really big pile money that they can just vanish! Poof!

Breaking Relationships !

The biggest other bad thing about these pyramid schemes are how the relationships become sour and messed up when the person who is part of MLM tries to add all their friends and relatives into the MLM, suddenly they start looking at humans as “targets” , Here is one incident which happened with Shantanu 

I know about this as I faced these offers couple of times from my very close friends and relatives. And I know how hard it was for me to tell them “I am not interested”. Those who is a very extrovert in nature and also convince people more, like insurance agents can get success. But most people are in the other side only. In fact one of relative faced very tough challenge later on when people found his scheme a scam. Anyway, I think after such articles also these schemes will come in future and again many will trap in them also.

In one other incident, one of the Fraud scheme called as “Japan Life” made someone lose his girlfriend

Long time back in 2000, my girlfriend got stuck up in a similar scheme called “Japan Life”. They used to take 80,000 Rs. and will give you a magnetic mattress. She tried to get me in as well and I was almost about to get trapped but sanity prevailed and I escaped, however since I did not join, I lost my girlfreind forever. I remember this fraud came up in Star News and I could see so many people getting cheated. This was around New Delhi and surrounding areas

Some other popular Multi Level Marketing and Pyramid businesses which were actually a scam were GoldQuest, StockGuru , UniPay2U etc etc (add more name in comments section if you are aware about them). Moneylife has also done this story on Multi Level Marketing companies in Forex trading, Have a look at it.

Jagoinvestor MLM Scheme – Lets create a SCAM Plan right now

Let me know you how simple it is to create a pyramid scheme and it will look so attractive . You all know I have written a Personal Finance Book called “Jagoinvestor – Change your Relationship with Money.”

Now here is a scheme

  • Pay Rs 1,000 and become a member of the scheme
  • You get the book FREE on signup
  • Make a person join the pyramid scheme and get Rs 250 for each person
  • You can add any number of people to this scheme

You realize that if you add 4 people to the group, you will get a 1,000 bucks and a Free Book! So it’s extremely easy for you if you join the scheme early.

Let’s say 10 people join under me.

Level 1 – Add 10 people

So 10 people will pay 1,000 each and I will make Rs 10,000 total , and I will send back a FREE book to all the 10 people. I incur Rs 5,000 expenses and make a cool profit of Rs 5,000.

Level 2 – Add 100 people 

Now let’s see… Each of these 10 people persuade 10 more people under them, and 100 more people join the scheme. They will pay Rs 1,000 each to me;, that means Rs 1,00,000. I will spend Rs 50,000 for the 100 books , and I will be left with Rs 50,000. But out of this 50,000, I need to give a share to each member at level 1, for 1 person the incentive is Rs 250 , so for 10 people, the incentive is Rs 2,500 for each person at level 1, and because there are 10 people at level 1, I will have to pay Rs 2,500 to each at level 1, and I will have to share 50% out of 50,000, that’s Rs 25,000. But I still keep Rs 25,000 with me.

So now you can see, I made a total 5,000 from 10 people at level 1 and Rs 25,000 from 100 people at level 2. And each of the 10 person at level 1 made cool 2,500 from 10 people they added under them, they not only recovered their 1,000 back, but also got extra Rs 1,500 and a FREE book! Wow! This business model is amazing!

Level 3 – Add 1000 people 

So the business is expanding and the word is spreading and my book ambassadors are in the market advertising this scheme and showing the kind of money they are making and the free book they get! Dude! They also have a valid cheque with them! No fraud! . So the word has spread like wildfire now and everyone wants to join this business.

Now, lets say each person at level 2 adds 10 more people under them again, because the word is spreading about this awesome business. There will be 1,000 people at level 3, paying 10 lacs to me and I will incur 5,00,000 expenses. I will pay 2,500 to each person at level 3,  that means 2.5 lacs in total, but I will still keep 2.5 lacs with me.

Level 4 + 5 + 6 

Can you see, how it’s growing? And how people are making money? From 1 person to 10 people, and from 10 to 100 and them from 100 to 1,000? But what next? Level 4? Level 5? Level?

When this reaches level 6 , there will be 10 lakh people under this scheme and they will be paying 100 crores to me! . You guys are going to hate me at that level! . Because you will never see me again! . Neither will I send any more books to anyone!, Nor will I send any share to anyone. I will just run away and you wont be able to trace me! . Any person who would have joined in at the start would find it easy to grow and spread the business. But people at bottom will just not be able to do anything, they are the last batch of fools!

Real Life Examples related to Fraud Schemes

Krishna shares

During my College days there were 2 such schemes ( 7000/- & 1200/- each) introduced to me by my friends & asked me to join them. I explained them that they are highly unsustainable by using simple exponential formula (2^e). But still they thought i am a fool & not making money out of this wonderful Golden “Pyramid”. Thanks to God for that!!!. I just want to say that “User Pure Maths” before entering or dealing with any thing with your hard earned money. Be on your foot not on air.

Sam shares

In 2007, one of my good friend called me when i was out of station. “Sam, i have something great to share with you, when are u coming back? i cant wait to meet you etc etc”. I was kinda surprised and was very curious what he is gonna talk about. He took me to this office where many others showed cheques explained business model, asked me to buy some product and become a member. People were so promising that they will help me , let me grow & earn lots of money and all.. It was ‘Gold Quest International’. That day i made the biggest mistake of my financial life. They made me buy some Gold & Silver coin for Rs.38000 rupees using my credit card. After i joined i tried to reach out to some people in my circle and most of them are already part of it & others are not interested. To pay this credit card bill, i had to take a small personal loan. It was the initial days when i got into job and all these incidents made my financial position worst.

Sachin Shares

I lost 20 K in this MLM bullshit … it was with the name Cossets in Delhi . They arranged a huge pomp show in Siri Fort to show off the happiness of the people who had made money and became millionaires. There were multiple stores in Delhi where u cud purchase if u were a member Then some Ex army also got fooled joined in and invested smthng like 4-5 Lakhs his life savings got duped and then he made a case on the company . Phew Cossets was like GAYAB.

Suhas Shares

My brother was a victim of it late in 2002 in scheme(scam) called netkhazana.He lost around 17k at that time.And from that time I have got recommendations from freinds(?) and relatives(?) in to hell lot of schemes but never got into any because of the first bitter expereince. I suppose this schemes are gr8 if you have selfless people involved but that does not happen as the corpus grows to crores of rupees and people at top tempt to cut the goose.

Other Models of Scam

There are many other multi level marketing scams, which are not in a pyramid model, but they ask for money for some awesome investment based on some logic and then they really give back awesome returns to handful of investors, who spread the word about the scheme and them more and more people join the investment scheme and once it becomes very big, the person who started that scheme vanishes. The Govt is going to take some tough measures on these kind of fraudulent schemes. Here is a nice video which explains more about this.

Beware of these Get Quick Rich models

There are a hell of a lot of schemes and businesses running which show promises of making awesome returns from gold, stock market, real estate and many other kind of investments. They mostly will look really attractive and credible, but always remember that if someone is offering you anything better than bank fixed deposits, there is no doubt that there is some of the other risk involved. The bigger the potential return, bigger the risk.

Disclaimer : Note that we have just discussed how Network Marketing works and the basic mechanism. There might be various businesses and models which are making money, and might be good. This article just wants to bring awareness among people on the concept of pyramid schemes and they fool and loot majority of people in our country .

If you come across any Business like this, first make sure you check that its a member of India Direct Selling Association, which kind of gives a legitimate name and also they follow certain code of ethics. If its not part of this, I would say better stay away from it. Amway is part of it. So, not all Multi level marketing models are fraud, a lot of them are genuine also. Here is what Sunil shares about this

A Multi Level Marketing is different from Direct selling. Any company selling directly to the customer, removing all the supply chain management commissions behind, will be governed by Indian direct selling association (within India) and world federation for direct selling association . There are many companies like Avon Cosmetics, Amway, Oriflame, Herbalife, Tupperware etc.. registered under these federations. These companies work under the ethics defined by the IDSA or WFDSA and are very harsh on the people who dont adhere to these ethics. Many people reading this article will agree that the quality of the products they produce are amongst the best in the world. Many people are under the impression that these companies are similar to the other ponzi schemes.

Let us know what do you think about the concept of Multi Level Marketing and associated businesses. What is the biggest reason you think people fall for them and get trapped?

8 graphs on gold price movements (86 years data)


Today I want to show you some patterns of gold prices from last few decades. There is no interpretation or conclusion but some findings and observations on gold price fluctuations in India. From last 10 yrs gold has been on a bull run and prices have multiplied many folds. In the last couple of weeks, gold prices have been extremely volatile and some analysts also predict that gold price upside movement is in threat. So I found gold prices for last 86 yrs (1925 – 2011) and did some number crunching and some graphs from which we get some interesting findings.

Gold Historical Prices

4 yrs Gold Price difference (absolute returns

I found out the price difference for every 4 yrs period i.e. from 1928 to 1925 (yrs) and saw what exactly was the difference in the prices, then 1929 – 1926 and so on… till 2007-2011. Just to give you an idea, gold price in 2008 was 12,500 and in 2011 it was 26,400; so the price difference was 111.20%. I used these data to plot a running 4 yrs price difference so at any point of time you can see how much was the return in those 4 yrs prior to that point. Note that this change in absolute in difference.  The major point to note is that majority people think that gold has performed outstanding post 2000 in a time frame of 4 yrs. But from the graph you can see that in 70’s time the 4 yrs period return was much more than what investors saw in recent time.


Gold Historical Prices

8 yrs Absolute Price difference runnin

This one is just like above chart, but this time its 8 yrs price difference. We are trying to catch that was the price change in an 8 yrs period. So for example, price in year 1980 was Rs 1330, then after 8 yrs – in 1987, the price was Rs 2570, which is a 93.23%… So like this I calculated the price difference for all the 8 yrs period and graphed it. There are very less 8 yr holding period when the returns from gold was negative, that happened 50’s and 60’s and just 90’s end.

Gold Historical Prices

4 yrs CAGR running

The next chart is the CAGR return chart for 4 yrs time frame and the graph is for running periods… that means 1925-1928, 1926-1929… 2008-2011. CAGR return is the main indicator of the performance of any instrument. If you look at the chart below you can see the ups and downs in gold performance and you can see how gold has performed in short run (4 yrs period) for a long time line. You can see that gold returns touched 20%-25% in 70’s and even in recent time it has performed wonderfully… which we all are aware of :).

Gold Historical Prices

8 yrs CAGR running

Then you can see the graph below which shows CAGR return on 8 yr running period. The interesting a little obvious fact is that it hardly gave any negative return in any 8 yrs time frame, only during 50’s and late 90’s it has performed badly.

Gold Historical Prices

20 yrs CAGR running

The real test of gold comes from a very long term performance and if we see a 20 yrs CAGR return on rolling basis (1925 – 1944, 1926-1945… 1992-2011), then you can see that most of the times the returns has been in the range of 5-10% and only in the 80’s people got best return if they had bought it in 60’s.

Gold Historical Prices

CAGR from 1926 (base year)

This chart is interesting; it calculates the CAGR return of GOLD from 1926 to all the years. I mean CAGR return from 1925- 1926, 1925-1927, 1925-1928 and then 1925-2011… So the base year is always 1925. This shows you what was the very long term CAGR return of gold considering it was bought in 1925. In a way this does not give us very strong conclusion, but still shows us some perspective.

Gold Historical Prices

CAGR from 1960 (base year)

This graph is same as above just that the base year taken was 1960 so considering gold was bought in 1960, the graph shows the CAGR return for different holding periods. You can see that apart from those who sold the gold in 80’s realised the best CAGR return, but those who held it for long, still have the returns in range of below 10%.

Gold Historical Prices

CAGR from 1980 (base year)

The last chart I want to show is with base year of 1980, you can see that over the long term the returns have converged to 10% & only in the last 10 yrs you can see the returns again going up.

Gold Historical Prices
What are your conclusions based on these charts ? What do you think about gold price movement from this point onwards ?

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

company list of Indian MLM companies

 Network Marketing or Direct Selling Company List in India 2021

Network Marketing or Direct Selling Company List in india 2021

Direct Selling Companies List in India 2021 . आज के इस दौर में Network Marketing or Direct Selling Company किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए बहुत ही शानदार अपॉर्चुनिटी है । इस इंडस्ट्री में कोई भी व्यक्ति अपनी जिंदगी में बहुत बड़ा मुकाम हासिल कर सकता है । बस उसको जरूरत है, एक सही कंपनी की । वह कंपनी हर तरीके से लीगल हो और सरकार के हर नियम कानून को मानती हो ।

नई लिस्ट 2021 के लिए यहाँ click करें 

Network Marketing or Direct Selling Company List in india 2020

वैसे देखा जाए तो इस समय India में हजारों Network Marketing or Direct Selling Companies हैं । लेकिन कुछ ही कंपनी ऐसी हैं जो हर नियम कानून को मानती हैं और रजिस्टर्ड हैं ।

आज के इस लेख में मैं आप सभी को सरकार द्वारा पंजीकृत Direct Selling Companies List in India 2020 लिस्ट के बारे में बताऊंगा, ताकि आप बहुत आसानी से यह समझ सके आपकी कंपनी रजिस्टर्ड है कि नहीं ।


यदि आप किसी भी Network Marketing or Direct Selling Company में काम कर रहे हैं तो आपको सबसे पहले यह लिस्ट जरूर देखनी चाहिए । यदि आपकी कंपनी इस लिस्ट में है तो आप बहुत ही किस्मत वाले हैं ।

Network Marketing Companies List in India 2020 में अभी तक रजिस्टर्ड 457 कंपनियों के लिस्ट शेयर करूंगा जिसमें आप कंपनी के नाम, सी.आई.एन. नंबर, रजिस्टर्ड ऐड्रेस, और हेड ऑफिस एड्रेस शामिल होंगे ।

Network Marketing or Direct Selling Companies List in India

1Enagic India Kangen Water Pvt. Ltd.2016-10-04U41000TN2015PTC100366TamilNaduKarnatakaThe details of cases / litigations arising out of the violation of new/ current regulatory guidelines as well as cases/ litigations prior to issuance of the guidelines against the DSEs are called for from the DSEs concerned.
2Smartway India Enterprises LLP2016-11-07AAC-7557New DelhiNew Delhi
3Mi Lifestyle Marketing Private Limited2016-11-23U74900TN2013PTC092509TamilnaduTamilnadu
4SAFE AND SECURE ONLINE MARKETING PVT. LTD.2016-11-25U52390DL2001PTC109313New DelhiNew Delhi
5Gananapati sales (opc) pvt. Ltd.2016-11-27U51101CT2015OPC001737ChhattisgarhChhattisgarh
6ARL Retail Private Limited2016-11-28U52390DL2011PTC227648New DelhiNew Delhi
7Rich vision Inida E-commerce Multiservices Pvt. Ltd.2016-11-28U74120PN2015PTC154975MaharashtraMaharashtra
8My Recharge Private Limited2016-11-29U6420IRJ2010PTC032933RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
9Oriens Global Marketing Private Limited2016-11-29U51909TN2010PTC074263TamilnaduTamilnadu
10International Marketing Corporation Private Limited2016-11-30U15490PB2013PTC038243PunjabPunjab
11Unibiz Multi Trade Pvt Ltd2016-11-30U51100DD2012PTC004708DAMAN AND DIUDAMAN AND DIU
12Gyankul Network Private Limited2016-11-30U93000HR2013PTC049726HaryanaHaryana
13Netsurf Communications Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-01U72900PN2000PTC142615DAMAN & DIUDAMAN & DIU
14Sarso Biznet International Private Limited2016-12-02U51909PB2011PTC034983PunjabPunjab
15Fashion Suitings Pvt Ltd2016-12-02U18108RJ1988PTC004383RajasthanRajasthan
16I MWAY Direct Marketing Pvt Ltd2016-12-02U74999MH2015PTC267793MaharashtraMaharashtra
17Tranzindia corporate network pvt. ltd2016-12-05U74900TZ2011PTC017358Tamil NaduTamil Nadu
18Cmax Global Marketing Pvt. Ltd2016-12-05U74140DL2015PTC286415DelhiDelhi
19Click N Pick Websale Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-05U52190RJ2012PTC041124RajasthanDelhi
20NVN Empire Educare Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-07U72900GJ2015PTC085547GujaratGujarat
21Unicity Health Pvt Ltd2016-12-07U85110KA2010PTC085191KarnatakaKarnataka
22AAROGYAM HERBS PVT LTD.2016-12-07U474999DL2016PTC30357New DelhiNew Delhi
24Pentaworld India Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-07U52100GJ2011PTC066406GUJARATGUJARAT
25Sunrider India Pvt Ltd2016-12-07U5109HR2004PTC035289HaryanaHaryana
26Wellscience Health Pvt Ltd2016-12-07U85190DL2009PTC187283New DelhiHaryana
27Kanwhizz Industries Limited2016-12-07U74120UP2016PLC077007Uttar PradeshUttar Pradesh
28PAMOSA TRADE INDIA PVT. LTD2016-12-07U51909PN2012PTC145714MaharashtraMaharashtra
29Blulife Marketing Private Limited2016-12-07U52100KA2016PTC085595KarnatakaKarnataka
30Amulya Herbs Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-07U85100CH2014PTC035046ChandigarhHaryana
31SHASTA ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED2016-12-07U52190RJ2014PTC044960RajasthanRajasthan
32Indosys Life Science Private Limited2016-12-07U24233KA2011PTC057538KarnatakaKarnataka
33Add-Shop Promotions Private Limited2016-12-07U51109GJ2013PTC076482GujaratGujarat
34Daily Need Marketing And Retail Private Limited2016-12-07U52590HR2015PTC056073HaryanaHaryana
35Balaji Tradevision Pvt Ltd2016-12-07U52190RJ2011PTC036648RajasthanRajasthan
36ASCLEPIUS WELLNESS PVT LTD2016-12-07U51909DL2014PTC272296New DelhiNew Delhi
37Pro Young International Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-07U52100TG2007PTC054540Andhra PradeshTelangana
38Noni Biotech Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-07U72900TN2001PTC047205TamilnaduTamilnadu
39DSR Electronics And Financial Services Private Limited2016-12-07U51900MH2006PTC161224MaharashtraMaharashtra
40Yuvanrich Sales and Services Private Limited2016-12-07U74999MH2016PTC282156MaharashtraMaharashtra
41RLC Multitrade Private Limited2016-12-08U51909DL2015PTC288265DelhiDelhi
42Sami Direct Marketing Private Ltd.2016-12-08U52399KA2010PTC054072KarnatakaKarnataka
43G19 Marketing Pvt Ltd2016-12-08U74999DL2016PTC290770DelhiHaryana
44Life is Good2016-12-08PARTNERSHIPDEEDPunjabPunjab
45Masterminds worldtrade business solution limited2016-12-08U51909DL2016PLC289194DelhiNew Delhi
46Sanelaa greens private limited2016-12-08U52100MH2016PTC271737MaharashtraMaharashtra
47Rising Rainbow Multitrade Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-08U52590MH2016PTC283922MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
48Biosash Business Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-08U74140HR2015PTC057274HaryanaHaryana
49INDUS HEALTH PLUS PVT LTD2016-12-08U85200MH1995PTC091382MaharashtraMaharashtra
50Hi-Scan Marketing And Consultancy Private Limited2016-12-08U51909GJ2014PTC078311GujaratGujarat
51M/s Vestige Marketing Pvt ltd2016-12-09U51909DL2004PTC126738New DelhiNew Delhi
52DXN Marketing India Private Limited2016-12-09U15490TN2014PTC095516TamilnaduTamilnadu
53Wellness Family Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-09U52399KA2014PTC074716KarnatakaKarnataka
54K-Link Healthcare (India) Private Limited2016-12-09U85199TN2001PTC048131TamilnaduTamilnaduThere is a Case C.C. No. 100 of 2017 in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Khozhikode, Kerala, arising from FIR No. 24/CR/EOWIII/KKD/13 CBCID-EOW III, Khozhikode (Crime No. 15/13, Kasaba Police Station,Khozhikode). High Court of Kerala at Ernakulam stayed all further proceedings before the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Khozhikode (Kerala) vides its order dated 25.07.2017 in Crl.M.A. No. 8207/2017 in Crl.M.C. 5080/2017 in the matter of K-Link Healthcare (India) Private Limited Vs. State of Kerala & Ors..
55JMVD MultiTrade Pvt Ltd2016-12-09U74120UP2012PTC050064Uttar PradeshUttar PradeshThe details of cases / litigations arising out of the violation of new/ current regulatory guidelines as well as cases/ litigations prior to issuance of the guidelines against the DSEs are called for from the DSEs concerned.
56Planet Dewsoft Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-09U74900DL2015PTC281341New DelhiNew Delhi
57Sahaj Lifecare Products Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-09U51900Gj2014PTC080113GUJARATGUJARAT
58Moringo Organics Pvt Ltd2016-12-09U51109KA2012PTC063338KarnatakaKarnatakaAn FIR was registered against this DSE vide crime No. 267 of 2018 by Bangalore Police under section 420 of IPC read with this section 4 & 5 of the Prize chits and Money Circulation(Banning) Act, 1978. However, the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka vide order dated 04.09.2018 stayed all further proceedings in the case as an interim relief.
59GK Lifecare Solutions Pvt Ltd2016-12-09U74999UR2016PTC007213UttarakhandUttarakhandThe details of cases / litigations arising out of the violation of new/ current regulatory guidelines as well as cases/ litigations prior to issuance of the guidelines against the DSEs are called for from the DSEs concerned.
60Radha Madhav Corporation Ltd2016-12-09L74950DD2005PLC003775DAMAN & DIUDAMAN & DIU
61Axil Core Business Pvt Ltd2016-12-09U74900MH2012PTC226956MaharashtraUttar Pradesh
62LAIET ALLIANCE PVT. LTD.2016-12-09U93000PB2015PTC039739PunjabPunjab
63IIN Eduworld Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-09U80301GJ2015PTC084249GujaratGujarat
64modicare Ltd2016-12-13U72200DL1973PLC110617New DelhiNew Delhi
65Winnature International Pvt Ltd2016-12-13U74999MH2015PTC267412MaharashtraMaharashtra
66Smart Value Products And Services Limited2016-12-13U50300DL2006PLC191355DelhiDelhi
67Amway India Enterprises Private Limited2016-12-14U74120DL1995PTC071405New DelhiHaryana(i) A case against M/s Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. is under investigation by Directorate of Enforcement under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundring Act(PMLA),2002.
(ii) Several criminal cases against M/s Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. and its functionaries are pending/ under investigation in the States of Andhra Pradesh / Telangana and Kerala.
These are only those cases which have been brought to the notice of Department of Consumer Affairs.
68NORTON SALES PVT LTD2016-12-14U74899DL1983PTC015659New DelhiNew DelhiThe details of cases / litigations arising out of the violation of new/ current regulatory guidelines as well as cases/ litigations prior to issuance of the guidelines against the DSEs are called for from the DSEs concerned.
69DCorp India Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-14U51900GJ2016PTC086132GujaratGujarat
70KRISHNA AGRIBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PVT LTD2016-12-14U01403MH2014PTC258115MaharashtraMaharashtra
71ITSPOSSIBLE NUTRACEUTICALS LIMITED2016-12-14U2429DL2012PLC2333327New DelhiNew Delhi
72Prime Direct Solutions India Pvt Ltd2016-12-14U70100MH2014PTC257704MaharashtraMaharashtra
73Toptime Network Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-14U74999DL2016PTC300844New DelhiNew Delhi
74Lit Holidays Pvt Ltd2016-12-14U55101DL2015PTC285728New DelhiNew Delhi
75Uninature Life Science Pvt Ltd2016-12-14U51900GJ2016PTC093074GujaratGujarat
76Oxi9 Essentials Pvt. Ltd2016-12-14U52599GJ2011PTC066079GujaratGujarat
77Herbal Fitness Private Limited2016-12-14U24133CH2013PTC034687ChandigarhHaryana
78Kissan Crop Care & Multiservices Pvt Ltd2016-12-14U01403MH2015PTC266180MaharashtraMaharashtra
79Richlife International Private Limited2016-12-14U52100CT2016PTC002203ChhattisgarhChhattisgarh
80Dauphin Travel Marketing Pvt Ltd2016-12-14U74120DL2003PTC121875New DelhiNew Delhi
81Pro Healthywayz International LLP2016-12-14AAE-0739ANDHARA PRADESHTELANGANAA case in Crime No. 475/2018 was registered on 14.11.2018 against the directors of the DSE, among others, under section 406, 420, 120-B read with 34 of IPC and section 4, 5 & 6 read with section 3, 2(C) of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978 in Shamirpet Police Station, Cyberabad (Telangana).
82Kapsun Industries2016-12-14Reg.GSTIN24AACFK1110F1Z7GujaratGujaratThe details of cases / litigations arising out of the violation of new/ current regulatory guidelines as well as cases/ litigations prior to issuance of the guidelines against the DSEs are called for from the DSEs concerned.
83Teamex Retail Limited2016-12-14U52100GJ2013PLC073875GujaratGujarat
84Aura E-Commerce Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-14U74900DL2011PTC216520DelhiNew Delhi
85Dream Touch Trade India Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-14U51100PN2015PTC154470MaharashtraMaharashtra
86Aimlife Multitrade Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-14U74900WB2012PTC188317West BengalWest Bengal
87KEVA INDUSTRIES2016-12-1503562062547PunjabPunjab
88Avon Beauty Products india Pvt Ltd2016-12-15U24246HR1995PTC035642HaryanaHaryana
89MDML Direct Marketing LLP2016-12-15AAC-3075GujaratGujarat
90Grahak Power India Private Limited2016-12-15U74900AP2014PTC095844Andhra PradeshAndhra Pradesh
91Smile India Bridge Wellness Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-16U51101TG2015OPC100309TelanganaTelangana
92HHI Marketing Private Limited2016-12-20U51909PB2016PTC040009PunjabPunjab
93Vibrant India Realtrade Private Limited2016-12-20U70100GJ2014PTC080283GujaratGujaratA case was registered against this DSE with CID Crime, Ahemdabad (Gujarat) on 05.05.2018. The DSE filed a case CR MA 12773/2018 in the Hon’ble Gujarat High Court on 29.06.2018 for quashing the same.
94Prove Life Trading Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-20U52190RJ2015PTC047999RajashtanRajashtanThe details of cases / litigations arising out of the violation of new/ current regulatory guidelines as well as cases/ litigations prior to issuance of the guidelines against the DSEs are called for from the DSEs concerned.
95Aradhya Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2016-12-22U74999UR2013PTC000577UttarakhandUttarakhand
96Falcon Marketing Pvt Ltd2016-12-27U74999PB2009PTC032904PunjabPunjab
97WIC SALES POINT PRIVATE LIMITED2016-12-27U51909RJ2016PTC056265RajasthanRajasthan
98WORLD YATRA TOURISM PRIVATE LIMITED2016-12-27U63040HR2013PTC049884HaryanaHaryana
99Care India Direct Selling LLP2016-12-27AAB-5657RajasthanRajasthan
100pugos products private limited2017-01-04U52590KA2016PTC086565KarnatakaKarnataka
101M/s. Yashika Trading And Marketing Private Limited2017-01-05U51900CT2015PTC001959CHHATTISGARHCHHATTISGARH
102AJS Multitrade Pvt Ltd2017-01-05U52100OR2014PTC018274OdishaOdisha
103Direct Bazaar Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-10U93000GJ2015PTC085367GujaratGujarat
104Flabia Fresh Pvt.Ltd.2017-01-11U74999WB2011PTC171247West BengalWest Bengal
105Nidan Herbs Distributor LLP2017-01-12AAG-5371ASSAMASSAM
106Being Healthy Pvt Ltd2017-01-13U85100HR2015PTC055259HaryanaHaryana
107Altos Enterprises Ltd2017-01-16U52190PB2002PLC25539PunjabPunjab
108Tianjin Tianshi India Private Limited2017-01-16U51909DL2002PTC115140New DelhiNew Delhi
109Disha Total Marketing Solutions Pvt Ltd2017-01-16U52100MH2014PTC257310MaharashtraMaharashtra
110DNR Shopping Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-16U52609PN2016PTC165288MaharashtraMaharashtra
111Easy Care Consumer Solution Private Limited2017-01-16U52590MO2014PTC033129Madhya PradeshMadhya Pradesh
112KTS Prime Merchandise Private Limited2017-01-17U740999RJ2016PTC056017RajasthanRajasthan
113Zillonlife Global Private Limited2017-01-17U74999DL2016PTC305591New DelhiNew Delhi
114Tupperware India Private Limited2017-01-18U25209DL1996PTC078605New DelhiHaryana(i) An FIR No. 133/2010 dated 21.04.2010 registered at Ramachandrapuram Police Station, District – Medak (Andhra Pradesh) under section 420 of the Indian Penal Code and section 2(C) read with section 3, 4, 5 & 6 of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) Act, 1978. (ii) An FIR No. 245/2015 dated 05.08.2015 registered by the Economic Offences Wing, Chandigarh under section 406 & 420 of Indian Penal Code and section 3 & 4 of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) Act, 1978. The company has challenged legality of the FIR before the Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court in CWP No. 19354 & 19355 of 2015. The matter is sub-judice before the Hon’ble High Court.
115Safedeal Marketing Pvt Ltd2017-01-19U52320DL2016PTC302364DelhiNew DelhiThe details of cases / litigations arising out of the violation of new/ current regulatory guidelines as well as cases/ litigations prior to issuance of the guidelines against the DSEs are called for from the DSEs concerned.
116NTEL Marketing & Services Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-20U74130MH2009PTC191870MaharashtraMaharashtra
117Golden India Healthy Life Private Limited2017-01-23U74999HP2016PTC006223HimanchalHimanchal
118Yashowin Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-23U18109PN2015PTC155344MaharashtraMaharashtra
119ForLife Trading India Pvt Ltd2017-01-23U51109MH2008PTC207785MaharashtraMaharashtra
120Bizective Online Services LLP2017-01-23AAF-8730Andhra PradeshAndhra Pradesh
121M/s. Choudhary Agro Tech(I) Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-23U01403MH2011PTC214050MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
122Jasan Travel Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-23U74999PB2016PTC045594PunjabPunjab
123Grow Together Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-23U52300HR2015PTC057302HaryanaHaryana
124Ennergix Lifestyle Pvt ltd2017-01-23U72900DL2014PTC262930New DelhiNew Delhi
125Hindustan Trade Smith Pvt Ltd2017-01-23U51900HR2014PTC051605HaryanaHaryana
126Aizen Lifestyle Private Limited2017-01-23U85190KA2011PTC058130KarnatakaKarnataka
127Vivaayush Enterprises India Private Limited2017-01-23U74999PN2014PTC150971MaharashtraMaharashtra
128Dhanwantari Distributors Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-23U51909PN2008PTC133043MaharashtraMaharashtra
129Vividways Venditare india Pvt Ltd2017-01-23U52100UR2014PTC001352UttarakhandUttarakhand
130Maxen Hawk Marketing LLP2017-01-23AAD-8515HaryanaHaryana
131Smart Health PRo-care Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-23U85100PN2016PTC164546MaharashtraMaharashtra
132Real Life Herbal Marketing Pvt Ltd2017-01-23U52100HR2013PTC051208HaryanaHaryana
133Provixo India Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-23U51909WB2016PTC210282WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
134Influx Multitrade Limited2017-01-23U74140PN2004PLC018862MaharashtraMaharashtra
135OJAS Exim Private Limited2017-01-23U52311GJ2011PTC064437GujaratGujarat
136eBIZ.COM PVT LTD2017-01-23U72200DL2001PTC111183DelhiUttar PradeshThere is a pending FIR against the DSE at Hanamkonda Police Station, Warrangal (Telangana) which was registered in the year 2008.
137Subhotam Multitrade Pvt Ltd2017-01-23U74999UR2016PTC007100UttarakhandUttarakhandThe details of cases / litigations arising out of the violation of new/ current regulatory guidelines as well as cases/ litigations prior to issuance of the guidelines against the DSEs are called for from the DSEs concerned.
138Dream Freedom Herbal Private Limited2017-01-23U52599PB2016PTC040017PunjabPunjab
139L.B.R.Marketing Limited2017-01-23U74120GJ2014PLC080358GUJARATGUJARAT
140Forever Living Imports (India) Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-23U51101MH2011PTC212700MaharashtraMaharashtra
141GEE PEE BIO FERT2017-01-23Regstd./Sl.No.736/2013-14PunjabPunjab
142Herbalife International India Private Limited2017-01-24U51909KA1998PTC026098KarnatakaKarnataka
143Glaze Trading India Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U51909DL2004PTC125198New DelhiNew Delhi
144M/s Daehsan Trading India Pvt Ltd2017-01-24U51109TN1999PTC043513Tamil NaduTamil Nadu
145Indusviva HealthSciences Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U85100KA2014PTC073082KARNATAKAKARNATAKAAn FIR bearing No. 1285/17 has been registered against the DSE at Palarivattom Police Station,Ernakulam District (Kerala) u/s 420 I.P.C. r/w section 3, 4 & 5 of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978.
146Oriflame India private Limited2017-01-24U74899DL1994PTC061083New DelhiNew DelhiThe details of cases / litigations arising out of the violation of new/ current regulatory guidelines as well as cases/ litigations prior to issuance of the guidelines against the DSEs are called for from the DSEs concerned.
147TGR Enterprises Pvt Ltd2017-01-24U51109GJ2012PTC070665GujaratGujarat
148Economical Life Freedom Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U52100MH2013PTC240118MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
149Nebula Infraspace LLP2017-01-24AAD-5208GUJARATGUJARAT
150Natura Bioscience Marketing Pvt Ltd2017-01-24U51909KL2011PTC028178KeralaKerala
151Parasmani Online Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2017-01-24U51909DL2008PTC179204DELHIDELHI
152RlIONN INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED2017-01-24U74999TZ20 16PTC028008TamilnaduTamilnadu
153M.P. Dailyneed Multitrade Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U74999PN2014PTC150198MaharashtraMaharashtra
154DivineStars Tradelinks Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U74999PN2016PTC165158MaharashtraMaharashtra
155Gyan Holidays Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U74900DL2015PTC288551New DelhiNew Delhi
156Swadeshi Marketing And Retail Trading Company (India) Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U51900MH1999PTC118087MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
157AarogyaJeevan Healthcare Pvt.Ltd.2017-01-24U24233RJ2016PLC055017RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
158Deepak Energy Conservatives Private Limited2017-01-24U29302MH2010PTC198454MaharashtraMaharashtra
159SGM Multi Trade Links Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U01400PN2015PTC157423MaharashtraMaharashtra
160Metrokings Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2017-01-24U74999TN2015PTC102225TANILNADUTANILNADU
161Growth India Industries Ltd2017-01-24U70200HR2012PLC066107HaryanaHaryana
162Yaana Future Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U74999DL2012PTC232966DELHIDELHI
163Galaxy Unity Marketing Solutions Private Limited2017-01-24U51909MH2017PTC289178MaharashtraMaharashtra
164Samrthak Trade Link Private Limited2017-01-24U51900GJ2015PTC082321GujaratGujarat
165Maa Vedica Marketing Service Private Limited2017-01-24U52609MP2016PTC041466Madhya PradeshMadhya Pradesh
166PM-International India Pvt Ltd2017-01-24U51909DL2015FTC279574DelhiDelhi
167Sharva Life Solutions Pvt Ltd2017-01-24U24232RJ2014PTC046506RajasthanRajasthan
168Indivar Beauty Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U74999DL2009PTC192620New DelhiHaryana
169My Visionplus Marketing Pvt Ltd2017-01-24U74999MH2016PTC286580MaharashtraMaharashtra
170Green Planet Bio Products2017-01-24Serial No. of Firm – 2236 of 2012-13PunjabPunjab
171Tasar Care2017-01-24PARTNERSHIPDEEDPunjabPunjab
172Naswiz Retails Pvt Ltd2017-01-24U52399DL2016PTC307914New DelhiNew Delhi
173Arya Smart Marketing Private Limited2017-01-24U52100JH2013PTC001688JharkhandJharkhand
174DNAR Multinational Pvt Ltd2017-01-24U51909DL2013PTC257314New DelhiNCT of Delhi
175Healing Touch Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U74900JK2012PTC003667Jammu and KashmirJammu and Kashmir
176Walpar Healthcare2017-01-24Regn.GUJ/AMS/38145GUJARATGUJARAT
177Fly Wings Marketing International (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U93090MH2015OPC266416MaharashtraMaharashtra
178Webillion Infocom Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U74140DL2013PTC258582New DelhiNew Delhi
179Genex Herba Private Limited2017-01-24U74999UP2016PTC085576Uttar PradeshUttar Pradesh
180Zeal Corporation India Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-24U24231PN2013PTC146024MaharashtraMaharashtra
181Bestway Health And Future Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-25U74999HR2016PTC063724HARYANAHARYANA
182Star Line Networkng Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-25U52399PB2013PTC037772PUNJABPUNJAB
183Arising Direct Marketing Private Limited2017-01-25U74999TG2016PTC111862TELANGANATELANGANA
184My Divine Visionary Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-01-25U74999PN2016PTC165577MaharashtraMaharashtra
185Hope International Pvt Ltd2017-01-27U80904GJ2012PTC071876GujaratGujarat
186Deccan Healthcare Private Limited2017-02-01U72200TG1996LC024351TelanganaTelangana
187Prime Health 5D (India) Pvt. Ltd.2017-02-01U24290KA2012PTC064317KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
188GURU SSR India Distributors pvt Ltd2017-02-01451909PN2008PTC133240MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
189M/s.Saarvasri Herbs Private Limited2017-02-01U51397OR2013PTC017390ODISHAWEST BENGAL
190Swasthyam Natural Products Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2017-02-01U74140DL2014PTC273882DELHIDELHI
191Ultrawin Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-02-01U15139RJ2013PTC043060RajasthanRajasthan
192Achievers Retailmart Private Limited2017-02-01U52100UP2015PTC072820Uttar PradeshUttar Pradesh
193Gaspra Business Solutions Pvt Ltd2017-02-01U74999KL2016PTC046957KERALAKERALA
194Herbal Ways Diets Pvt. Ltd.2017-02-01U51229PB2002PTC25627PunjabPunjab
195Savefuel Tech Pvt. Ltd.2017-02-01U74120MH2013PTC250288MaharashtraMaharashtra
196Maxgrow Biotech Pvt Ltd2017-02-02U51497PB2003PTC026600PunjabPunjab
197Proglen Global Ventures Private Limited2017-02-02U74999RJ2016PTC056645RajashtanRajashtan
198Oyster Ptoducer Company Limited2017-02-02U01100DL2016PTC307467DelhiDelhi
199Dreamvision4U Trade Pvt.Ltd.2017-02-08U51909PN2016PTC167159MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
200Penuel Nexus Pvt. Ltd.2017-02-09U74999KL2016PTC040317KeralaKerala
201NJ Mart Private Limited2017-02-14U74997MH2016PTC280612MaharashtraMaharashtra
202Vizhop Innovators Pvt. Ltd.2017-02-14U74999GJ2016PTC093497GUJARATGUJARAT
203Zestik Business Pvt Ltd2017-02-14U52399PB2014PTC038608PunjabPunjab
204Speak People Trading India Private Limited2017-02-16U52609UR2016PTC007325UttarakhandUttarakhand
205Ceyone Nutri India Pvt. Ltd.2017-02-20U74900WB2013PTC190654West BengalWest Bengal
206Mudra Power Infotec Private Limited2017-03-01U74999MH2016PTC283046MaharashtraMaharashtra
207Fortune Smart Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd.2017-03-02U51100MH2002PTC135138MaharashtraMaharashtra
208Sarvodaya Infradevelopers Pvt. Ltd.2017-03-03U52190RJ2008PTC27314RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
209Seven Dreams Multitrade Pvt Ltd2017-03-06U51909PN2016PTC167625MaharashtraMaharashtra
210One World Marketing Pvt Ltd2017-03-07U52399DL2016PTC301656DelhiDelhi
211Lyoness India Pvt Ltd2017-03-09U74140DL2015FTC280270New DelhiNew Delhi
212AMC Cookware (India) Private Limited2017-03-14U29309KA2000PTC031050KarnatakaKarnataka
213MNH Healthcare India (OPC) PVt. Ltd.2017-03-27U85310DL2016OPC309870DelhiNew Delhi
214Champions Multi Product Solutions Pvt. Ltd.2017-03-28U52100UP2015PTC073698Uttar PradeshUttar Pradesh
215Radiate Trademart Pvt Ltd2017-04-06U51909RJ2017PTC057565RajasthanRajasthan
216Zeppar World Accessories Pvt Ltd2017-04-06U19200DL2016PTC298447DelhiDelhi
217JVJ Eduway Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-04-28U80900KL2017PTC48276KERALAKERALA
218Verbena Life Cure Marketing PVt. Ltd.2017-05-09U52609MP2017PTC043067Madhya PradeshMadhya Pradesh
219Jolly Life Care Pvt. Ltd.2017-05-12U52609PB2016PTC045908PunjabPunjab
220INDCONNECT MARKETING PVT. LTD.2017-05-22U74999PN2017PTC169376MaharashtraMaharashtra
221IWENS Private Limited2017-05-22U31906HR2017PTCo68141HaryanaHaryana
222KEY2SUCCESS Sales & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-05-23U74999CT2017PTC007749ChhattisgarhChattisgarh
223Budhacharya PSB Network Pvt Ltd2017-06-02U74999MH2017PTC292089MaharashtraMaharashtra
224Nexgen Umeed India Private Limited2017-06-02U74999PB2017PTC046172PunjabPunjab
225SunEdge Marketing Private Ltd.2017-07-17U52100PN2016PTC158168MaharashtraMaharashtra
226Rhinos Health And Safety Private Limited2017-07-17U74999PN2016PTC167276MaharashtraMaharashtra
227Digicraft Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd.2017-07-17U51909DL2017PTC316873DELHIDELHI
228SFG Marketing & Trading Pvt. Ltd.2017-07-18U52599MP2012PTC029487MaharashtraMaharashtra
229Jeuness Global India Private Limited2017-07-24U74999DL2016FTC303965DelhiDelhi
230Livrm Marketing Private Limited2017-07-25U74999UP2017PTC089106UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
231Magnessa Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.2017-08-10U74999TN2014PTC095457TamilnaduTamilnadu
232VLCC Online Services Private Limited2017-08-16U93000HR2016PTC058548HARYANAHARYANA
233Shopnet Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2017-08-18U74999HR2016PTC065503HARYANAHARYANA
234Healux International Pvt. Ltd.2017-08-21U51103KA2015PTC079281KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
235Ayurveda Aadhar India Limited2017-08-22U74999DL2017PLC318079DelhiDelhi
236Varsana Lifecare Private Limited2017-08-23U85200PB2017PTC046540PunjabPunjab
237Biowell Universe Pvt. Ltd.2017-09-01U36999UP2017PTC091510Uttar PradeshUttar Pradesh
238Retail 1947 Enterprises Pvt. ltd.2017-09-01U52390HR2011PTC042611DELHIDELHI
239Phygicart E-Commerce Private Limited2017-09-11U52609KL2017PTCO49681KeralaKerala
240Nexusworld Wellness Private Limited2017-09-12U74999UP2017PTC089499UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
242Frentic Retail & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-10-06U74999MH2017PTC297430MaharashtraMaharashtra
243Great Opportunity Salesmart India Private Limited2017-10-09U74120UP2015PTC074789UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
244RLI Marketing Private Limited2017-10-10U36999UP2017PTC092720Uttar PradeshUttar Pradesh
245Forever Herbal Products2017-10-11U85100PB2013PTC037326PunjabPunjab
246PS Smartvision Enterprises Pvt.Ltd.2017-10-12U74999PN2017PTC167889MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
247Eazyways Arogya Healthcare (P) Ltd.2017-10-13U51909DL2017PTC311115DELHIDELHI
248Conybio Healthcare (India) Pvt. Ltd.2017-10-17U33112TN1998PTC041656TamilnaduTamilnadu
249SHT Enterprises2017-10-17Regst.No.03BHXPS7848P1Z0PUNJABPUNJAB
250Rajoy Panacea Pvt.Ltd.2017-10-18U52600DL2016PTC291840DELHIDELHI
251Balarka Global Mart Private Limited2017-10-24U74999RJ2017PTC058714RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
252Dewsoft Overseas Pvt Ltd2017-10-24U72900DL2000PTC108691DelhiNew Delhi
253Artlife Wellness Products Pvt. Ltd.2017-10-30U92412DL2008PTC181018DELHIDELHI
254Pitrashish Marketing Enterprises Private Limited2017-10-31U51909WB2008PTC127421WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
255Kalpamrit Markeing Pvt. Ltd.2017-10-31U93000UR2017PTC008154UTTRAKHANDUTTRAKHAND
256Ezeewell Lifescience Pvt. Ltd.2017-10-31U74999MH2017PTC298764MaharashtraMaharashtra
257Benmoon Pharma Research Pvt. Ltd.2017-11-01U73100GJ2006PTC47878GujaratGujarat
258Otlar Life Private Limited2017-11-03U51909PB2017PTC046162PunjabPunjab
259Kushgram Khadi Gramodyog LLP2017-11-07AAH-2312BiharBihar
260Neocent Retails Pvt. Ltd.2017-11-20U74999HR2017PTC070033HARYANAHARYANA
261Nirlife Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-11-23U74999MH2017PTC295680MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
262Arjana Products Pvt. Ltd.2017-11-28U74999TN2016PTC111918TamilnaduTamilnadu
263Cluster Organic Cottonz India Pvt. Ltd.2017-11-28U17111TZ2014PTC020488TAMIL NADUTAMIL NADU
264Vagmine Infratrade Pvt. Ltd.2017-11-28U51100RJ2016PTC055870RajasthanRajasthan
265Kalyan Lifecare LLP2017-12-05AAE-2687DelhiHaryana
266Welocity Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.2017-12-05U74999MH2016PTC286852MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
267The Leaders Time Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-12-05U51220HR2014PTC053307HARYANAHARYANA
268Ownlead Digital Innovation International Pvt. Ltd.2017-12-06U93000AP2017PTC106036Andhra PradeshAndhra Pradesh
269Aura Vss Lifescience Private Limited2017-12-11U52609GJ2017PTC098312GUJARATGUJARAT
270Dream Direct Selling Group2017-12-11Registeration No.02 2017 18 ChhattisgarhCHHATTISGARHCHHATTISGARH
271VGE Mart Private Limited2017-12-11U74999UP2017PTCO97459UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
272Self Power Direct Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-12-18U52100CT2014PTC001407CHHATTISGARHCHHATTISGARH
274DRS Lifecare Industries2017-12-18U51909DL2017PTC316251DELHIDELHI
275Hunch Shoppetrade Sales Pvt. Ltd.2017-12-18U51909RJ2017PTC059352RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
276Suryodayalite Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2017-12-18U51909RJ2017PTC059232RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
277Panchjyoti Mart PrivateLimited2017-12-18U51909WB2017PTC222941UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
278Nexgen Inventive Information Technology Pvt. Ltd.2017-12-26U72900PN2013PTC149783MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
279Ok Life Care Private Limited2017-12-28U74999HR2016PTC066261HARYANAHARYANA
280Mohan Mishra Multitrade Pvt Ltd2017-12-28C52100CT2011PTC000081CHHATTISGARHCHHATTISGARH
281Tesnee Products Limited2018-01-08U51909KA2017PLC103202KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
282Howin Infotech Private Limited2018-01-10U51909KA2017PTC105236KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
283Anjaneya Communications Private Limited2018-01-10U74999UP2017PTC090662UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
284Ayubox Health Science And Technology LLP2018-01-11AAI-4463PUNJABPUNJAB
285Naturekare Multi Trade Pvt. Ltd.2018-01-19U51909GJ2016PTC093563GUJARATGUJARAT
286Phytocell Life Marketing Private Limited2018-01-22U83510UP2016PTC084784UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
287Basavjyoti Retail India Pvt. Ltd.2018-01-22U74999KA2017PTC106711KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
288VisionRoots Services Pvt.Ltd.2018-01-22U52609DL2017PTC315179DELHIDELHI
289GPRS Healthcare Private Limited2018-01-24U51909PB2017PTC047252PUNJABPUNJAB
290Freedom Success Mission2018-01-24Registration No.17/01/142/2017RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
291Gikmart Pvt. Ltd.2018-02-05U51909GJ2017PTC099369GUJARATGUJARAT
292Unfoldu Global Marketing Private Limited2018-02-05U74999PB2017PTC046869PUNJABPUNJAB
293PraNutra Wellness Pvt. Ltd.2018-02-06U74999KA2017PTC104350KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
294Vowel India Marketing Limited2018-02-08U52190UP2017PLC093076UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
295Optymystix Enterprises (India) Limited2018-02-21U74140DL1995PLC065348DELHIDELHI
296Dynamic Beneficial Accord Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2018-02-21U51909PB2011PTC035491PUNJABCHANDIGARHA case has been registered at Sohana, SAS Nagar, Mohali Police Station against this Direct Selling Entity under section 420 of the Indian Penal Code.
297Mega Disc Pvt. Ltd.2018-02-27U74999DL2017PTC326444MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRAThe details of cases / litigations arising out of the violation of new/ current regulatory guidelines as well as cases/ litigations prior to issuance of the guidelines against the DSEs are called for from the DSEs concerned.
298MRB Vision Pvt. Ltd.2018-02-28U74999HR2017PTC071712HARYANAHARYANA
299Adhyatm Niramaya Pvt. Ltd.2018-02-28U74999RJ2017PTC059557RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
300Seven Elife Energies Systems Pvt. Ltd.2018-03-06U01110MP2017PTC044638MADHYA PRADESHMADHYA PRADESH
301Wellsmit Healthcare Private Limited2018-03-16U74120GJ2015PTC082323GUJARATGUJARAT
302Alvism Marketing Private Limited2018-03-20U74999DL2017PTC325683HIMANCHAL PRADESHHIMANCHAL PRADESH
303Super Shine Healthy Life Pvt. Ltd.2018-03-22U52609RJ2018PTC060262RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
304M/s.Skyrunway Pvt.Ltd.2018-03-22U51100PN2017PTC171743MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
305Saranew Eco-Friendly Products Private Limited2018-04-06U74999DL2017PTC327701DELHIDELHI
306M/s. LVI Herbal Pvt. Ltd.2018-04-06U51909RJ2018PTC060343RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
307N.L.Imperial Food & Beverages Pvt.Ltd.2018-04-17U151522HR2013PTC051399DELHIDELHI
308CJ Store Worldwide Private Limited2018-04-19U51103DL2016PTC299585DELHIDELHI
309Unilink Marketing LLP2018-04-19AAL-3084MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
310Miracolo Drinks Private Limited2018-04-23U52609KA2016PTC093002KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
311USN India Shoppee Private Limited2018-04-25U51909HP2017PTC006725HIMANCHAL PRADESHHIMANCHAL PRADESH
312KKrowten India Enterprises Private Limited2018-04-26U51909TN2017PTC118528TAMIL NADUTAMIL NADU
313MI Lifestyle Marketing Global Private Limited2018-05-04U74999TN2013PTC090049TAMIL NADUTAMIL NADU
314Delidiamond Marketing Private Limited2018-05-10U51909RJ2018PTC060976RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
315Asylum Ayurveda Private Limited2018-05-10U74200MH2011PTC222415MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
316Glowway Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2018-05-10U52609MP2017PTC043682MADHYA PRADESHMADHYA PRADESH
317M/s. Suryayu Wellness Private Limited2018-05-15U74999KA2018PTC111575KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
318Riston Sales Private Limited2018-05-21U74999WB2018PTC225745WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
319M/s. Inhomedelivery Marketing Private Limited2018-05-21U74999AS2017PTC018240ASSAMASSAM
320M/s. Runlife Retail Private Limited2018-05-21U74999WB2017PTC221320WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
321Qbuilder Sales Private Limited2018-05-21U74999WB2017PTC224034WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
322M/s. Satatva Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2018-05-24U74999GJ2018PTC101372GUJARATGUJARAT
323Anant Wellness Care Company2018-05-28290/2018JHARKHANDMAHARASHTRA
324Wayonn Marketing LLP2018-05-29LLP Identification No.AAM-1221KERALAKERALA
326Parry Ferilizers India Limited2018-05-31U52100PB2005PLC028330PUNJABPUNJAB
327AAD Healthius Life Sciences Private Limited2018-06-01U85310OR2017PTC027295ODISHAODISHA
328Maplife Multitrade Private Limited2018-06-11U74120UP2013PTC059036UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
329Ayurpower Products Private Limited2018-06-12U74999TG2018PTC123743ANDHARA PRADESHANDHARA PRADESH
330Brahmandnayak Ventures Private Limited2018-06-12U74999MH2018PTC308595MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
331Ignitaid Btk Private Limited2018-06-14U74999PN2018PTC175208MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
332Girmes Wheatgrass2018-06-21MPA-89853MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
333WS Direct Selling Pvt. Ltd.2018-06-22U51909PB2017PTC046023PUNJABPUNJAB
334Sanben Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2018-06-22U74999RJ2018PTC061116RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
335Radiant India Multi Trade Pvt. Ltd.2018-06-25U51909BR2012PTC019659BIHARBIHAR
337Alex World Class Products Private Limited2018-07-09U74999RJ2018PTC061361RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
338Stepwey Dream Ventures Pvt. Ltd.2018-07-12U74999RJ2018PTC061248RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
339Luxreal International Pvt. Ltd.2018-07-17U15549KA2018PTC112433KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
340OLS Whizz Pvt. Ltd.2018-07-19U74900PB2015PTC039870PUNJABPUNJAB
341Anee Marketing Solutions Pvt.Ltd.2018-07-20U74120UP2016PTC075651UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
342RLD Online Marketing Pvt. Ltd.2018-07-26U52190UP2018PTC099896UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
343Avencia Life Sciences Private Limited2018-07-30U24232RJ2013PTC043945RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
344Saachi India Marketing Private Limited2018-07-30U74999DL2018PTC332038DELHIDELHI
345Good Worship Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2018-07-30U52603KL2017PTC050843KERALAKERALA
346KRS Multipro Private Limited2018-07-30U74999HR2018PTC074094HARYANAHARYANA
347Akman Wellness Pvt. Ltd.2018-08-02U74999GJ2018PTC101362GUJARATGUJARAT
348Ayurvedic Reform India Pvt. Ltd.2018-08-08U74999MP2017PTC043345MADHYA PRADESHMADHYA PRADESH
349Express Clinics Private Limited2018-08-08U85100PN2011PTC138822MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
350Bstar Megacorp Pvt.Ltd.2018-08-21U74999PN2018PTC175925MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
351Revelation Unique Retail and Marketing Private Limited2018-08-21U51909DL2018PTC335093DELHIDELHI
352Chyawan Ayureda Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.2018-09-06U74999CT2018PTC008591CHHATTISGARHCHHATTISGARH
353Buildsworth Marketing Private Limited2018-09-06U52604HR2018PTC074645HARYANAHARYANA
354Aizen Communications Private Limited2018-09-06U74999MP2017PTC043725MADHYA PRADESHMADHYA PRADESH
355Bright Global Infrastructure Private Limited2018-09-17U70200HR2015PTC055661HARYANAHARYANA
356Solarway Marketing India Private Limited2018-09-17U51909HR2008PTC38440HARYANAHARYANA
357Herbalage Wellness India Pvt. Ltd.2018-09-19U24233UP2006PTC031918UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
358Striking Online Service & Shopping Private Limited2018-09-20U74900WB2015PTC206315WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
359Champions World Lifestyle Private Limited2018-09-20U52609CT2017PTC008199CHHATTISGARHCHHATTISGARH
360Million User Pvt. Ltd.2018-09-24U74900CH2015PTC035654CHANDIGARHCHANDIGARH
361Dhanerwal Retail Pvt.Ltd.2018-10-01U52609HR2017PTC070375HARYANAHARYANA
362La Vita Solution Pvt.Ltd.2018-10-01U74930DL2013PTC252432UTTAR PRADESHDELHI
363Super Royal Holiday India Pvt.Ltd.2018-10-16U63040KA2012PTC061929KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
364Oxigeno International Biz Private Limited2018-10-18U74999KA2018PTC115374KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
366Olive Tree Ventures Pvt. Ltd.2018-10-30U15532RJ2018PTC061795RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
367Sanyukts Mart Pvt.Ltd.2018-10-30U74999RJ2017PTC059761RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
369Lorenzini Apparels Limited2018-11-01U17120DL2007PLC163192DELHIDELHI
370Amaltas Multiventures Private Limited2018-11-05U74999MP2017PTC044409MADHYA PRADESHMADHYA PRADESH
371Wellness Wings Private Limited2018-11-16U74999UR2017PTC007812UTTARAKHANDUTTARAKHAND
372Armsup Affiliate OPC Pvt.Ltd.2018-11-16U51909KL2018OPC053720KERALAKERALA
373Circinae Life Style Private Limited2018-11-19U51900PB2018PTC047964PUNJABPUNJAB
374Dream Life Care Solutions Marketing Pvt.Ltd.(OPC)2018-11-19U52590HR2015PC055696HARYANAHARYANA
375Pinnacle Shoppe Pvt. Ltd.2018-11-26U74999RJ2018PTC062133RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
376Jalwal Consultancy Services Pvt.Ltd.2018-11-26U74140RJ2015PTC047479RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
377DHW Promotions Private Limited2018-12-03U92490MP2018PTC046564MADHYA PRADESHMADHYA PRADESH
378Xseries Life Time Care Pvt. Ltd.2018-12-05U74999HR2018PTC75599HARYANAHARYANA
379Thamesbay Marketing LLP2018-12-10AAM-5118KERALAKERALA
380Aarogya Vedic Natural Care Pvt.Ltd.2018-12-18U24239MP2017PTC043534MADHYA PRADESHMADHYA PRADESH
381Allegro Life Care Pvt.Ltd.2018-12-18U74999RJ2017PTC059707RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
382Maxxwell Herbal Pvt.Ltd.2018-12-18U74999BR2018PTC038688BIHARBIHAR
383Easyfuture Biznet India Pvt.Ltd.2018-12-18U74999UP2018PTC107787UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
385Samarpan Mall Network Private Limited2018-12-24U52100GJ2008PTC055428GUJARATGUJARAT
387Save Eco Organic Private Limited2019-01-01U74900BR2015PTC023646BIHARBIHAR
388MK Success World Marketing And Retails Private Limited2019-01-08U74999HR2018PTC077089HARYANAHARYANA
389Youthunity Marketing Private Limited2019-01-09U51909WB2018PTC229054WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
390Rajsway Direct Trading Private Limited2019-01-09U52609CT2016PTC007599CHHATTISGARHCHHATTISGARH
391Kasgrow India Tradecon Private Limited2019-01-09U51909CT2018PTC008680CHHATTISGARHCHHATTISGARH
392Visinet Marketing Private Limited2019-01-09U51909WB2018PTC228969WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
393Youth Energy Health Marketing Private Limited2019-01-22U36999UP2017PTC096956UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
395Furtive Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2019-01-31U74999HP2017PTC006446HIMANCHALHIMANCHAL
396Aetus Marketing Private Limited2019-02-03U74999GJ2018PTC105033GUJARATGUJARAT
397Vaignyanik Health Care Pvt.Ltd.2019-02-03U74999TG2018PTC124656TELANGANATELANGANA
398DNSP Healthy Products Private Limited2019-02-06U85100PN2017PTC72284MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
399Soprano Trading Pvt.Ltd.2019-02-06U74999HR2018PTC075957HARYANAHARYANA
400Sunriva Herbal Sciences Pvt.Ltd.2019-02-06U74999UP2018PTC100042UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
401Marklead Marketing Private Limited2019-02-08U52609KL2018PTC053571KERALAKERALA
402Site House Institutes For Professional Learning2019-02-11Reg.of Firms and Socities Punjab Reg.No.934 2017-18PUNJABPUNJAB
403Meghdoot Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2019-02-18U52599JH2010PTC014277JHARKHANDJHARKHAND
404Lamina Research Center Pvt.Ltd.2019-02-25U73200DL2013PTC250163WEST BENGALDELHI
405Brightfuture Lifecare Pvt.Ltd.2019-02-26U74900DL2016PTC290405DELHIDELHI
406C to C Healthcare LLP2019-03-01AAJ-3389UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
407Ayuva Lifesciences Private Limited2019-03-05U24303MP2018PTC045130MADHYA PRADESHMADHYA PRADESH
408Zen Life Pharmacia Private Limited2019-03-08U52310HR2019PTC077895HARYANAHARYANA
409RSM Aayur Pvt.Ltd.2019-03-20U74900RJ2016PTC049174RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
410Glance Business Support System Pvt.Ltd.2019-03-20U74999RJ2018PTC063150RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
411Dearlife Empower India Private Limited2019-03-28U74999OP2018PTC028569ODISHAODISHA
412Bigas Business Private Limited2019-03-29U74999HR2018PTC077567HARYANAHARYANA
413Mudgal Hightech Market Private Limited2019-04-01U52609UP2017PTC093294HARYANAHARYANA
415Coralworld Oceanbleu Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2019-04-08U74999GA2019PTC013830GOAGOA
416Leaf2Life Wellness Industries Private Limited2019-04-09U74999DL2018PTC329194DELHIDELHI
417Vieroots Wellness Solutions Pvt.Ltd.2019-04-11U74999KA2018PTC117198KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
418Majy Meshwork Private Limited2019-04-15U51909PN2018PTC178338MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
419Vijaykrishna Marketing Corporation LLP2019-04-18AAL-6963DELHIDELHI
420Ethereal Marketing Private Limited2019-04-25U51900AS2018PTC018876ASSAMASSAM
421Mountmerry Pro International Private Limited2019-04-25U24304RJ2018PTC062834RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
422Tossmeziq Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2019-04-28U51909UP2019PTC111963UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
423Kreaz Lifestyle Private Limited2019-04-28U52609DL2019PTC344117DELHIDELHI
424Mykash Marketing Solutions Pvt.Ltd.2019-05-09U74999KA2019PTC121225KARNATAKAKARNATAKA
425Backspace Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2019-05-09U93000HP2019PTC007371HIMANCHAL PRADESHHIMANCHAL PRADESH
428The Wings of Happiness2019-06-06Reg.of Firms and Societies,Punjab,Sl.No.of Firm 3750 date 29.11.2018 App.for reg.under IPA 1932PUNJABPUNJAB
429Skybyz Global Diamond Pvt.Ltd.2019-06-07U52209CT2018PTC008785CHHATTISGARHCHHATTISGARH
430FW Futureswings Products & Services (OPC) Private Limited2019-06-12U74999MH2016OPC286349MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
431Orymile Traders And Consults Private Limited2019-06-12U52205PN2014PTC150048MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
432Shivrupam Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2019-06-14U52190RJ2013PTC042301RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
433Trato Retail Private Limited2019-06-27U74999DL2019PTC347972DELHIDELHI
434Glaze World All Services & Online Education Private Limited2019-06-27U74999UP2017PTC089090UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
435Donyi Polo Marketing Pvt.Ltd.2019-06-28U51909WB2019PTC229672WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
436Buscones Academic Solutions and Human Assets Private Limited2019-07-04U74120DL2015PTC285554DELHIDELHI
437Amkey Global Services Private Limited2019-07-12U52520WB2019PTC232094WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
438M/s.Salborz India LLP2019-07-24AAO-7431DELHIDELHI
439Vedic Ayurcare Health And Retails Private Limited2019-08-02U74999DL2018PTC339352DELHIDELHI
440Proveda Marketing India Private Limited2019-08-02U51909HR2019PTC080503HARYANAHARYANA
441Goodfeel Merchandise Private Limited2019-08-05U74999BR2019PTC041298BIHARBIHAR
442Kman Realtrade Private Limited2019-08-05U52609WB2019PTC232358WEST BENGALWEST BENGAL
443Huife Twobros Private Limited2019-08-09U74999DL2016PTC308694DELHIDELHI
445Coffer Retails Private Limited2019-09-09U52609DL2019PTC350377DELHIUTTAR PRADESH
446Relibond Pvt.Ltd.2019-09-12U74999MH2017PTC301398MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
447Dayjoy Marketing Private Limited2019-09-17U52600RJ2018PTC062258RAJASTHANRAJASTHAN
448Dreamersway Online Shopee Private Limited2019-09-23U51909KL2019PTC059245KERALAKERALA
449Aware Wellness India Pvt.Ltd.2019-09-26U93090UP2017PTC098309UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
450Eaglight Private Limited2019-10-01U74999MH2018PTC304236MAHARASHTRAMAHARASHTRA
451Blue Mount Direct2019-10-04Registrar of Firms NCT Delhi No.F 1319 SDM NWDELHIDELHI
452Pyoor Network International Private Limited2019-10-11U51909GJ2019PTC108580GUJARATGUJARAT
453Kimaya Lifecare Pvt.Ltd.2019-10-11U74999UP2017PTC099287UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
454Yua Trade Concepts LLP2019-11-18AAQ-1942KERALAKERALA
455Finedwise Software Private Limited2019-11-21U72200GJ2013PTC076331GUJARATGUJARAT
456Bizkey Marketing Private Limited2019-12-06U74999UP2019PTC119784UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH
457Business Forever Online Marketing Private Limited2019-12-30U52100UP2019PTC119546UTTAR PRADESHUTTAR PRADESH

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  IT & Software Basic Computer Skills: A Guide For Complete Beginners The  computer revolution  of the last two decades has transformed ...